Friday, January 16, 2009

Having Doubts

I'm feeling pretty low. Since I'm not getting the cardio in which I desperately need ( because if I do, I'm overtraining) I'm feeling very fat. I feel like a bowl of jelly. I thought the weight gain would me muscle - and that my body composition would get leaner...I'm not finding that. I know it's only been two weeks - but I'm just feeling like crap. Shooting the little vids of y exercises is killing me. Although, I'm thing it is necessary in the long term to do them.... I'm hoping for a night of cardio/plyos if I can get to the gym. It may not be till late, but I'm gonna get there ! I have to help at the CYO dance tonight for a while. I just hope I'm not there till 10 PM! Sorry for the dump - I'm just feeling like I can't do this and I'm just getting fatter in the process !

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Using Bands for the first time

Well...this was an experience. I didn'tquite know what to expect...other than the resistance part. They were springy". Which is the point of the Dynamic Effort Day. The idea is todo quick exploding reps.Since I was playing it safe..I didn't experience the "explode"
my workout was as follows:

Dead max effort is 235#.
From my understanding the bands come in 100# + resistance.
You'll see I got the minis - I do not know their resistance power. I set the weight at 140 with bands - warmed upwith bar+ bands for 2 sets of 10
...added 90 for a tot od 140 + bands ...
10 sets of 2

Moved to box squatsMy ME was 155
I warmed upwith bar + bands for 2 sets of 10
...added 50# for a total of 90 + bands...10 sets of 2

Did morelegraisesand some hamstring glute raises

Tomorrow will be a cardio/plyo/ab day!
here's today's video

Thanks for keeping up with me!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Sign of Strength Increase

Well folks...all this eating of protein is starting to pay off. I had my second Max Effort Bench Press day.

I increased my Incline Bench Press from 65 to 85 lbs. I almost got 90 lbs up..needed help getting it back on the rack
My Hang Cleans increased from my max of 55lbs to 85 lbs !!!!

So the 5 pound increase was not so bad afterall...I'm making baby steps toward my goal !
Thanks to my helpers at !
Check out my Hang Cleans vid - shown here at 55lbs - so I could get the motion down...
Improvements to be made:
boost height of shoulders
point elbows inward


Yesterday was a rest/refuel day....

I feel great today ! Cant wait to do a ME Chest/Shoulder day today ! One thing I noticed...I didn't sleep well because my body was not overly tired....hum....

Hope to press 100lb tonight ! Not sure of my left shoulder will cooperate, though.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 2- Continued

After regrouping from Sunday ...I hit it hard on Monday...physically and emotionally.
I had a great workout:

warm up with the bar (45lbs) do a couple of sets of 10
85 x 2
105 x 2
135 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1

SLDL's (stiff legged deadlifts)
95 x 10 ( 3 sets)

back extensions
bw x 10 (3 sets)

leg raises - lying
bw x 10 (3 sets)

That was it...but after my OVER TRAINING day on Sunday...I learned that less is better in this style of training.

Here's my log from Sunday...after looking at it I'm wondering if I'm a masochist !
stopped= I was taking the bar up from the floor since the rack was in use. Couldn't put any more weight over my head and behind my neck alone. I saw goodmornings done on a Smith - tried it last week, but it was really awkward. I opted to pull it up from the floor

105* 5
155 * 1
5 Sets of 8 at 135
In the vid I prevously attached, I see probs
1) not deep enough
2) tilted forward at 165

Leg Press ( seated)
8 sets of 5 at 240

leg circut
leg ext

leg curl

glutre press

135 * 10


The guys at ripped me apart over this...I understand why now.
REST is equally important to building strength...Overdoing it can be detrimental to muscle growth. Please check this out...
I go to the bodybuilding website often.

Food was really on par today...I took in 2038 calories ( when cutting I'm around 1500-1700 cals), Protein was at 238 g, and carbs was at 108 g. Rule of thumb for training, Protein - 1 g per lb of body weight, 2g of carbs lb of body I hit the mark on Monday ! I ate so much I thought I' die !!!! All good stuff, tho:
Egg Beaters, Turkey Bacon, Talapia, Sweet potato, Wheat Bread, Honey.....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Week 2

Well, this has been a very interesting week - I learned a lot....from my failures.
As much as I thought I was getting my eating under control - I am still off my mark. I have to increase my protein and carb intake n EVERY meal - journal keeping of meals is important for a few reasons:
1) I see how much/little you are taking in...calories, proteins, carbs
2) Make modifications where necessary:
With the advice from one of my teambix buddies, I am being guided towards how I can change my food intake to allow for my increase in strength.

I also learned about how important REST really is. It was hard not to work out for two days. I'm making a paradigm shift from weight loss to strength increase is hard. Where I want to do cardio and sweat my butt off, I have to tell myself that my goals have changed! This is hard for me.

Another challenge this week is the training program in general. Westside Barbell Training is different - its very calculated. I have to stick to bench presses, dead lifts, and squats...supplamenting with a few secondary muscle group exercises in between. I also need to incorporate plyometrics into my split. Plyos help with the "explode" necessary for strongwoman events, such as the Log Press and car push. Check these both out:
There ate tons more available!

I have spent a lot of time researching all of this, yet discovered I failed miserably in my efforts today. Today was really bad. I cried for the first time in months, and actually felt that perhaps this is not the thing for me. After digging deep, and obtaining diatary and workout recommendations from my teamix buddies, I am back on track. but I have to tell you - there was about 30 minutes of doubt.

One other thing that threw me for a loop today was watching the video that I shot at the gym while doing my squat routine. Not only were the squats sucky - I looked HUGE ! I still have days when I get a slap of reality in my face - I'm NOT close to my weightloss goal, and it's still hard to see myself in that way. I think sharing this with you helps me gain my confidence again. It's hard to see ourselves as others see us - but it's all about TRYING and NEVER giving up !

So here's my vid:

All in all, I think it was an "ok" start to my journey, and knowing how far I have come is what keeps me going. There will be peaks and was just a valley.

In addition to my girls have kept me this week. In addition to helping with a friend's funeral, a soccer game, a bball game, an Irish Dance Competition, and preparing my daughter to Cantor at mass on Saturday. All this in addition to having a killer week at the office - the semester begins tomorrow, so this past week has been a real marathon ! So if I can do it, SO CAN YOU !!!!!